So we are really rounding the final turn and entering the homestretch here! As I've probably said before, I will miss working with all of you. While I certainly welcome and relish my summer vacation time, I always am sad to see my students go. You all are truly the best aspect of my job and it gives me joy to work with you. :)
I thought I'd write for next week too, since that is the last week where you'll be doing new work.
Here's the week of 25 May:
• Tuesday = do Biodiversity lab -- get data + work on questions
the formula we provided for % change is INCORRECT in the version I initially shared with you!!!! It has now been fixed in the document in your folder, but if you've made a copy, I want to make sure you know what the correct version is. Here is the CORRECT formula:
Percent change = ((final # - initial #)/initial #) x 100%
If you do it as originally written (initial - final/initial) x 100% doesn't make sense as it will generate + % changes in situations where you know the number is going down and vice versa.
• Thursday = discuss ecosystem ecology and start working with food webs
Here's the week of 1 June:
• Monday = A - Z word root test + time to work if you have leftover time
• Wednesday + Thursday = time to work on Food Web project and Biome Builder
As ever, please come to AFT if you need help. Thanks, Ms. Leary
PLEASE NOTE: regarding the evolution test corrections, I am entering this in the gradebook as out of 10 points, but excluding it from your grade. This allows me to note how people did on it without affecting your grade. Once all the points for the semester are totaled up, we will figure out how many points the extra credit is actually worth. Talk to me if confused OK?
• Biodiversity Lab - graph and follow up qs -- Thursday 28 May
• A-Z word root test -- Monday 1 June
• Biome Builder -- Thursday 4 June
• Unit 10 Reading questions -- Thursday 4 June
• Food Web project -- Monday 8 June
• Final Exam (cumulative 2nd semester) -- Thursday 11 June